Advance health care foundation public awareness program and doctor awareness program on disease Organ transplantation for last 2 years
Date: August 5, 2018
Place: ICCR, Kolkata
Organ Donation in India
Organ donation requires a multidisciplinary approach as a whole. However, the specific topic of deceased organ donation involves a major role of critical care experts in order to be successful. From the diagnosis of brain death (which is done in an ICU setting), to preserving , transporting and ultimately transplanting the organ donation india, the critical care experts have to work in collaboration with surgeons, anesthetists and others from individual specialties even to be able to perform one successful case of deceased organ donation and transplantation. In view of this fact, the multidisciplinary meets amongst doctors, becomes that
Advance Heath Care Foundation ( NGO ) in association with critical care medicine in india (Kolkata branch) and Bellevue critical care clinics organizes an annual conference at ICCR, Kolkata, to bring together doctors and medical staff together under one roof for active discussion and lectures on the various topics of critical care.

FIG: From left to right the image shows Dr. Sreya Chattyopadhyay, Dr. Saurabh Kole, Mr.V.M. Swami, Dr. Indrajit Tiwari, Dr. Arpita Roy Chowdhury, Dr. Sasanka Saha, Mr. Santanu of Bellevue Clinic, Mr. Buddha Das, Mr. Sujit Chakraborty, Mr. Supriya Majumder, Mrs. Ujjaini Sarkar
The last day of the conference of 2018 saw multiple topics discussed in relation to deceased organ donation where many doctors, including critical care specialist and the Director and Founder Member of Advance Health Care Foundation (NGO), Dr. Saurabh Kole brought forth some very interesting points. In his topic of discussion ‘Organ Transplantation: Role of Intensivist’ he talks about how doctors working in a critical care setup can be of help during the process of organ transplantation. In the topic ‘Diagnosis of Brain Death in ITU’ he puts forward the individual points related to the diagnosis and confirmation of brain death and the initiation of the process of deceased organ donation. Dr. Saurendra Mitra talked on ‘Overview of Cardiac Transplantation’, while Dr. Debkishore Gupta gave a lecture on ‘Microbes in Deceased Organ Transplantation’. Plastic Surgeon Dr. Rajen Tandon talked about ‘Composite Tissue Allo-Transplantation of Hand and Face’ and discussed at lengths about points on skin grafting as a whole, while Dr. Indrajit Kumar Tiwari took this opportunity to discuss the topic of ‘Challenges of Liver Transplantation’. The session was concluded by a panel discussion on what can be done to promote Deceased Organ Donation in West Bengal conducted by Dr. Kole himself. The panelists included Dr. Arpita Roy Chowdhury, Dr. S.S. Saha, Social Activists Mr. V.M. Swami and Mr. Sujit Chakraborty and Advocate Mr. Supriya Majumder. The active participation of multiple organizations, bringing with them people from various walks of life, together with doctors from various specialties, made the conference a great success. The Advance Health Care Foundation and all of us associated with it, hope to involve ourselves in many such multidisciplinary meetings, and to strengthen the support for the cause of deceased organ donation in india for a brighter future.